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ground, particularly around Noah.
He had a penthouse apartment at Circular Quay, right in the heart of
the city, so that they didn't have to commute from Summerfield
Green during the week to carry on with their work. Noah understood
that she had to keep her employment agency going until she had
placed every last person on her list. He even managed to find two
more jobs to be filled in his own network of companies. Which was
very helpful. In the end, it only took her a fortnight to bring her
mission to a successful conclusion. The courier service with the
refrigerated truck was incorporated into Ray's old transport
company and everyone was happy.
Toni was a little awed when Noah showed her the extent of his
business interests. She saw immediately that Ray's transport
company was only a cog in a big wheel an important cog, but not
as important as she had thought. The possibilities of what could be
done within Noah's larger sphere were tremendously exciting. She
studied the overseas connections with avid interest. She had plenty
of ideas. All that was lacking was a title to give herself.
'You haven't got a name for this position you're giving me, have
you, Noah?' she tackled him one night.
'Not precisely,' he replied, drowning in the bright eagerness on her
wonderful face. 'What would you suggest?'
'Well, I don't like President, Vice-President or Chairwoman...' Her
smile dazzled him. 'I thought.. .Multiple Co-ordinating Controller. It
has the sense of being important but helpful all at the same time. Is
that all right with you?'
'Perfect!' he agreed without a second's thought. 'I'll have a title plate
made up tomorrow. Cards printed...'
She bounced around the table and sat on his lap. 'You really do like
my ideas, don't you?' she said elatedly.
'Brilliant,' he murmured, his gaze dropping to the provocative bow
of her upper lip. He could feel himself stirring again. He had never
been so stimulated in his life. Not even in his teens.
She laughed and jiggled around...and that was the end of another
unfinished meal! Not that it mattered. He always enjoyed the
midnight snacks they shared. He didn't even care about the
occasional crumbs that got into their bed. Everything was fun with
Toni. He couldn't remember ever having laughed so much as he did
with her... He was enjoying being alive in a way he never thought
possible before... and it certainly added another incredible
dimension to making love.
Toni found that she was completely busy with her new job and all
the other things that needed her attention. Jocelyn required help with
organising her wedding to Richard. In the natural course of these
preparations, the two stepsisters talked over a lot of aspects
concerning the future in front of both of them, and Toni made some
important decisions regarding her own life.
With the run-up to the auction there was much to do. Apart from the
promotion, there were the prizes to organise. Although Lillian was
making great strides there, she couldn't do without Toni's help.
People had to be rallied and organised and persuaded. She found
that dropping Noah Seton's name often had wonderful results.
Moreover, a few ideas had to be injected into the programme to get
it completely right. If they were auctioning fantasies, they had to be
great fantasies.
It surprised her a little that Lillian had nothing to say about Toni's
arrangement with Noah Seton. Everybody knew about it. It was a
hot item around town, and there were even pictures of them in the
newspapers. Not that that worried Toni. Her life was her own
business, and iiving together' wasn't particularly scandalous any
However, she had expected at least a lifted eyebrow from Lillian, or
a discreet question or two. After all, as they Had agreed, men were
pigs. But the only man Lillian talked about was Mr Templeton...
what a marvellous cook he was... how kind and thoughtful and
considerate for a man... so gentle and sweet... Toni began to wonder
if Lillian was beginning to think sharing a bed with someone might
not be such a bad thing. Of course, Mr Templeton could not be in
the same class as Noah as a lover, but.. .who was to know whether
or not he could satisfy Lillian's needs?
In any event the situation they needed for the auction was shaping
up very well. There was no problem in talking Mr Templeton into
his role. And Diana was stirring the pot in her usual brilliant way.
So brilliantly, in fact, that what was happening drew a puzzled
comment from Noah one evening.
'I can't understand it,' he said, shaking his head in bemusement.
There are rumours going around Sydney and Melbourne about
people who I know for a fact are as solid as the Bank of England.
Yet I keep hearing that this one or that one is not as solvent as they
look. It's absurd! I wonder what started it off...' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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