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and stiffly towards the palace entrance. The doors were open, and rosy light from the braziers burning in
the anteroom spilled out on to the steps and into the courtyard.
'You and your men are exhausted,' said the prince, falling into step beside Rognvald. 'Allow me to send
a hot supper to you in your quarters. That way you can use the baths and eat at your leisure.'
'Well,' said Rognvald, glancing back at Cait, who appeared not to have heard, 'if it is no trouble.'
'Not in the least,' Hasan assured him. 'I myself often do this when I return from a day of hunting.
Otherwise, I would fall asleep at the table, and that would never do. We will talk tomorrow.'
He sent them off with words of encouragement and, turning to Cait, said, 'I am afraid you must endure
my company once again. Your knights have chosen to take their meal in their quarters tonight.
To be sure, it is for the best  they have been riding three days and are very tired.'
'Oh,' replied Cait, disappointment flitting across her features. 'I had hoped to hear more from Rognvald
about their searches.'
'Tomorrow, my love,' promised the prince. 'We will all sit down together and tell what we have learned.
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And, who knows? Maybe tomorrow Ali Waqqar will join us and we can put an end to this trouble at
Dinner that night was as sumptuous and enjoyable as any that had gone before. Prince Hasan was
charming and attentive, winsome in his manner, and subtly insinuating in his flattery. This time, however,
she was able to plead weariness and leave the table with most of the night still before her. Under
Jubayar's stern and silent eye, she returned to her chamber feeling more than ever as if she were playing
the hapless hare to the prince's falcon.
Mahdi and Pila'i were surprised to see her so early, and took the opportunity to brush her hair and braid
it in preparation for bed, chattering away to her, blithely indifferent to the fact that Cait could not
understand a word they said. So absorbed were they in their talk that neither one of them heard the gong
ringing at the entrance to the Ladies' Court.
'Shh!' said Cait, putting her finger to her lips. 'Listen.'
The gong sounded again - a low ringing tone, not loud.
Cait stood and was moving towards the door, when it burst open and Lord Rognvald entered. The two
serving maids began to cry out, but Cait silenced them with a sharp slap on the arm apiece. 'Hush,' she
said. 'I will speak to my friend.'
She crossed to where Rognvald was waiting by the door. 'Rognvald, I was hoping to speak to you.
How did you know where to find me?'
'Please, I have little time,' he said. 'Svein and Rodrigo will keep the guard Jubayar busy as long as they
can, but he could return at any moment and I dare not let him find me here.'
'Yes, go on.'
'God knows it gives me no pleasure to say it.'
'Pray, speak. What is it?'
'The prince is lying about the offer of ransom. He never sent his men to the settlements.'
'But, just today I saw -'
'No.' Rognvald shook his head firmly. 'The offer was never made.'
'Are you certain?'
'I know enough Arabic to discuss ransom,' the knight replied. 'And no one in any of the villages knew
anything about Hasan's offer.'
'And All Waqqar?'
'Him they knew about - that much was clear. But no one would talk to us. I think they are afraid.'
'What should we do?'
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Rognvald regarded her intently, his eyes searching, probing. 'If you are with me in this -'
'I am.'
'Then we must confront Hasan and make him tell us the truth.'
'I agree,' Cait replied. 'And it must be soon.'
'Tomorrow morning - when we meet to break fast. We will take him by surprise.'
Cait nodded and, suddenly very grateful for the tall knight's stalwart devotion, she gave him a quick kiss
on the cheek.
Rognvald smiled suddenly. 'Your change of heart is wondrous to behold. Truly, I did not think you
would hear any word against the prince.'
She raised an eyebrow. 'Have I been so prickly of late?'
'Lady, a bramble thicket is more welcoming.'
Putting her hands on his chest, she pushed him towards the door. 'Go now, my lord. I fear you have
outstayed your welcome.'
He opened the door a crack and looked both ways along the gallery before stepping out. The door
closed silently, and he was gone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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