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was able to trap millions of Jews partly because they didn t
believe in life after death, partly because many were killed
so suddenly, and partly because many of the wartime ghetto
Jews believed what the German Nazis themselves did.
When you look at it, it s quite alarming. I had a terrible
time getting my head around this one when the Gladiators
first showed it to me. I had difficulty comprehending it. I
refused to see that the victims and the criminals had the
same agenda, the same beliefs. It was a shock. I had been
programmed to ignore the similarities.
The Nazis believed themselves to be members of a
supreme race; the Jews also believed that they were a
supreme race. The Nazis felt they were especially chosen by
God to dominate the world. Their central theme was the
idea of the Arian superman, selected by God. The Jews
believed that they were special and chosen that they were
chosen by God to inherit the Earth. The Nazis did not
believe in breeding outside their own kind, they insisted on
genetic purity; the Jews also believe/d in genetic purity.
They are not allowed to marry outside their gene pool.
Hitler referred to the Jews as cattle. The Jewish law, the
Torah, refers to non-Jews as goyim, which means cattle. It is
permitted under Jewish law to kill the goyim, who are
considered subhuman. A Jew is also permitted under his
law to pillage and remove the property of the goyim. It is
not a sin under his religious code. Killing people and
removing their property was also permitted under Nazi
law the Nazis were autocratic, they liked control for
control s sake. The Jews religion is rather similar; it has over
600 mind-boggling laws to be followed. The Nazis were
racists and against minorities. The ghetto Jews were racists,
and they were not keen on the Africans either. The Nazis
invented weapons of mass destruction, improving germ
warfare delivery systems, and developing the V2 rocket.
The wartime Jews (aided by the transdimensionals)
invented Truman s vengeance they gave us the atom
bomb and the nuclear bomb and later the neutron bomb.
Nazis, helped by the Allies to escape from Germany, ran
much of the nuclear program in America in the early days
after the war. My father s job after the war was to help
German and Russian scientists escape from the Communist
block. He d enter East Germany undercover and help them
escape to America.
The Nazis destroyed Jewish communities and
forcibly shipped people into ghettos and camps. For 50
years the Israelis have bulldozed Arab homes forcing
citizens into refugee camps, while not paying compensation
for property seized. The Nazis didn t like paying
compensation either. Of course, the ideas of racial purity
the chosen people, the superman destined to inherit the
Earth are all bogus. What is extremely odd is that the
wartime Jews and the Nazis held many of the same ideas.
When you look at it, it is bizarre to the extreme. It s
amazing that no one has seen it before. It shocked me when
I was shown it. I couldn t really accept it. At first, I thought
it an anti-Semitic rant, but then I saw it for what it was, a
statement of fact. The Nazis and the wartime Jews are two
sides of the same elitist coin, like it or not.
What s even more bizarre is that the UFOs mirror
the Nazis and they have even been seen to fly swastikas as
insignia. I don t know if Hitler s mother being Jewish had
something to do with his hatred. And anyway, it doesn t
alter the fact that six million ordinary people were killed,
which is terribly sad. Still, I found it very freaky when I saw
that the victims and their tormentors had the same beliefs.
You can see that anyone who is born thinking they
are special, believing they are genetically superior and
chosen by God to be the master race, must, by their very
nature, be a part of the field. They are the shark. These
people are permitted by the laws they create to kill anyone
who is not like them, and they can legally pillage whatever
they want. You can see how these types, be they Nazis,
wartime ghetto Jews, the Federal Reserve, or any tin-pot
modern fat controller, have tendencies that were/are very
akin to the field. When they try to escape this plane after
death, they won t be able to. They won t have the velocity.
They have already been trapped by their ideals, their
materialism, their hate of humanity, their phony sense of
specialness all of which is very Ahrimanic.  We are the
Chosen Ones; we are the god-like ones. We are here to own
everything and to control and dominate everyone.
This isn t just a wartime Jewish thing, millions are
now trapped: the real Nazis, modern neo-Nazis, tyrants,
control-trippers, financial sleight-of-hand merchants, the
phony prophets, the bent lawgivers, and so on. The study of
control is painful for it is the study of nastiness. I realized, as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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