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with her feet bound, but Zoe slowly made her way to the door. One step. Another. Closer and closer.
But fear beat at her every moment. Not fear for herself. For Victor. Had he gotten out of the fire?
What if he hadn t? What if Victor had died in those flames? Died hours ago while she d been
knocked out and tied up in that bed? What if he was gone?
I m not ready for that. I m not ready to lose him.
Hell, no, she wasn t.
Zoe was almost at the door. Almost there.
The shower turned off.
Oh, God&
 Which fucking room is his? Victor demanded as he slammed his fist down on the counter in
front of the front desk clerk.
The guy flinched and his shaking fingers typed faster on the computer keyboard.
 Easy, Cain muttered.
Easy? There was nothing easy about the way he felt right now. The firefighters and the cops had
finally gotten to them, and then they d launched an all-points bulletin for Roy.
Only that shit hadn t been enough. And Victor hadn t wanted to just sit on his ass while Zoe was
possibly being killed. So he d called in favors and gotten more tech help.
Maybe Roy thought he was dead. Maybe the guy thought that both he and Cain had perished in the
fire. That had probably been his plan. With both of them dead, who would be around to point the
finger at Roy?
So the guy had left the scene, feeling all fucking confident. Confident enough that he d been using
his phone&
Your mistake. Your latest one, bastard.
Because one of Victor s favors involved getting a track on that phone. As soon as Roy used it, the
signal had been triangulated. They d found the jerk.
He was at the little motel on the outskirts of Vegas, and he d better have Zoe with him. She d
better be alive. She d
 Room s-seven, the front desk clerk stuttered.  On the side of the motel, room seven 
Victor was already running away. His gun was in his hand a new gun, courtesy of the Vegas PD.
His other weapon had been lost in the flames.
He rushed around the side of the building just as the door to room seven opened.
Wide green eyes stared at him in shock. Beautiful, unforgettable green eyes. Zoe.
 Victor&  She didn t make a sound, but he read his name on her lips.
And then& then she was jerked back. Her bound hands flew up into the air and the door slammed
Oh, the hell, no.
 You tricky little bitch&  Roy had thrown her across the room, sending her into a heap near the
foot of the bed.  Thought you d just walk right out the door? His back was to said door as he closed
in on her.  I knew I should have knocked your ass out again.
She shook her head, tossing the hair out of her eyes. Then she smiled at him.
He stilled.  Why the hell are you doing that?
The door burst open behind Roy and chunks of broken wood hurtled through the air.
 Victor got out of the fire, she finished.
 Get the hell away from her! Victor bellowed.
Roy spun around. He didn t have a gun on him the guy just had a towel wrapped around his
hips. Water dripped down his body. He must have raced out of that shower when he d heard the front
door open. She d known that sound had been too loud.
Cain ran in behind Victor, gasping.  So much for waiting on me& 
 Cain! Roy staggered back a step.  You re okay! Good! Oh, shit, man, she started the fire. She
tried to kill us all! I think she must be working with her father. I had to tie her up, to restrain her, I
was about to call in backup when 
 I saw you. Cain s glare was cold. Deadly.  I saw you attempt to shoot Special Agent Monroe,
and I saw you hit Zoe before you took her out of that building.
Roy s body stiffened.
 So save the excuses, Cain blasted.  You re under arrest.
 I did it for Michelle! Roy screamed.  If we want to ever see her again, we have to give that
bastard what he wants and that s Zoe! Not like she matters anyway. She 
Victor attacked. He literally flew at Roy, and they slammed into the nearest wall. Roy tried to
block Victor s blows, but that wasn t happening. Victor hit him again and again, and the sickening
thud of his fists connecting with Roy s face had Zoe crying out.
 Stop, Victor! Stop!
 She matters.
Cain had to drag Victor off the smaller guy. Roy fell into a heap on the floor.
 She matters, Victor spat the words again, then he spun to face Zoe.
She stared at him a moment, seeing his rage. Such a hot, hard fury. His whole body was tense and
danger emanated from him on waves. This wasn t some good guy. The controlled agent she knew was
nowhere to be seen, but she wasn t afraid. Not of him.
Zoe lifted her bound hands toward him.  Victor, get me out of here.
He strode toward her. Yanked at the rope that bound her hands. Jerked it hard.
Uniformed cops spilled into the little room. One of them cuffed Roy. Another handed Victor a
knife. He sliced through the ropes that bound her wrists. Pinpricks shot through her fingers. She hadn t
even realized how tight the ropes were, not until then. Victor bent, then cut through the ropes that
bound her feet. When the last rope broke, relief swept through her and she trembled.
Victor picked her up in his arms.
 No! I can walk! Her tremble hadn t been about weakness. It had just been about her being
grateful to be free.
But Victor didn t let her go. His hold tightened as he carried her out of that motel room. She
looked back and saw a bruised and battered Roy glaring after them. Glaring with the one eye that
wasn t already swollen shut. Cain was reading the guy his rights, appearing absolutely enraged and
disgusted, but still doing things by-the-book.
The sunlight was too bright outside. The air too cold.
Victor walked her toward a dark SUV. He opened the passenger side door and eased her inside.
Then he just& stood there, his shoulders hunched and his head lowered. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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