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do the neces- sary research to save at least a small portion of their race! "We could reach your world in a couple days if only Raspa would allow me the anti-matter to do it," An'na complained as we stood side by side watching the stars. I smiled again to myself. Anti-matter was expensive stuff, difficult to make, dangerous to store, and burning up large qualities of it just to "go a bit faster" didn't make any sense to the First Princess of the Lorr.* * The Lorr have naturally longer life spans than humans, some living as long as three hundred years where humans seldom live past a hundred and fifty at the very best. (Lorraine) "I'm content with our speed," I assured her, happy to travel in a state where I might enjoy seeing the stars and exploring the ship, the Lorr having originally brought me to Mars in a state of near suspended animation, which is the way they use to travel be- tween the worlds. Relying on their computers for the safe opera- tion of their ships while traversing the void between the worlds. "Why did Humanity hate us so?" An'na asked. I had read the histories of the events that led up to The War. Millions of the lovely women of Mars had died along with the Lorr when Earth re- directed that gigantic comet so that it would strike Mars. Janet Rogers had given Men the "unity" necessary to meet the Lorr on an even footing, but Mankind saw only the "monster", not the intel- ligence, and could think of nothing but destruction. Even now it is commonly accepted as truth that the world government of that time did the right thing, their only failure having been that the comet didn't destroy all the Lorr as was hoped! Not that educat- ed people like Darlanis actually believed such, but I do suspect that the majority of the people living under her rule would feel that killing off all the Lorr would be a very excellent idea yet! "Man has a history going back into the Old Stone Age of hat- ing anything that is 'different'," I answered, slipping my arm around her, my body still a bit sore in places from what Sisa had done to me with her clawed limbs. With a good sword in my hand I would not be afraid to face a Lorr, but in a hand to claw fight, no human ever would stand a chance. It would be like fighting a dire wolf or some other wild animal that now roams the Earth. "But we are just as `human' as you are!" An'na protested, turning, looking me directly in the eye, "And your world killed `us' just as they killed the Lorr!" I did not really have an an- swer for her. I still don't. I suppose the best answer would be the one they used during the Vietnam War when it was necessary to destroy villages in order to "save" them from the enemy. Raspa blames Janet Rogers for designing such a "dangerous" civilization as she did, although I don't think it was her fault that certain people within her government took it upon themselves to rid the solar system of the Lorr. One thinks of "wheels within wheels". Of similar incidents in the 20th Century where one part of the government acted against the wishes of another branch of the same government. The actual command of the expedition to the comet having been under the control of the World Defense Council, who no doubt was responsible for what happened. Janet Rogers tended to be a bit too trusting at times, and doubtlessly she was here.* * Just exactly "who" was responsible has never been determined, although it is commonly thought now to have been the "fault" of Domino Tremaine, who was Janet Rogers' "successor" at the time. Page 125 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html "This is 2565, not 2047," I answered. "It is up to us now to bury the past and see that it stays properly buried." That was the best answer that I could give her. I think that perhaps someday Man and the Lorr will seek the stars together. The Star- fire was proof of that. Its drive and rocket power spoke of Lorr technology, but its crew and builders the lovely women of Mars. I did however wonder why it was so heavily armed, the Starfire also being the greatest engine of destruction that the Lorr had ever built! An'na having smiled and said to me that it was best to "be prepared". But for what? A couple dozen Mars women armed with blaster rifles could have routed one of Darlanis' Legions. And the Tarls of Talon and their lovely riders certainly didn't justify such an awesome engine of destruction like this? Were there other forms of alien "life" out there threatening us? Some "threat from the stars" that the Lorr now defended Earth from? I wondered if all the "flying saucers" that men had seen were Lorr? There had been nothing in the Lorr's own data banks to indi- cate anything such, but I knew that such data might not be acces- sible to just anyone, and it would have been easy enough to con- ceal such information from me. Why did the Lorr maintain such a military presence around the Earth? Why did they respond so swiftly whenever a "Gateway" opened up? Why wouldn't An'na an- swer my questions? Why did she just smile and change the sub- ject? What were the Lorr afraid of? What threat did they face? ***************************************************************** Earth grew larger ahead of us, the Moon a gleaming crescent moving away to the right, my own world a great blue-green ball clouded ball much like the photographs I have seen back in the 20th Century before Sharon and I were transported into this, the 26th Century. It gave me a strange feeling, as if it had been just all a dream. A dream from which I would soon wake to see Jack there at the breakfast table opposite me, his nose stuck in the morning paper. There had been little left of our marriage at the end. I understand that he died in a car crash that night, his blood alcohol far over the legal limit, never knowing that both Sharon and I had disappeared into time never to
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