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from the nose. Utterly defeated, Miranda clawed feebly at the roof. Her
ringing ears did not hear the approaching cry of the
Tatatook, but she felt the wind made by the great wings as the creature
landed. The Queen stroked the purplish black feathers with an affectionate
greeting, and the Tatatook cawed with appreciation.
In the rys language, Onja instructed the fearsome flyer.  My pet, take this
pitiful human and cast her upon the Galnuvet Glacier. Turning to
Miranda, Onja raised her voice and spoke in Miranda s language.  While you die
you can watch your flesh freeze.
Obediently the Tatatook scooped Miranda into its arms and rushed into the air.
Every motion of the great wings lifted them higher above Jingten, and Onja
laughed as she watched her victim carried to her doom. Too weak from torture
to resist, Miranda considered herself dead and faded into a swoon.
In his heart, Shan knew that Onja had summoned the Tatatook for some grim
errand, but he dare not waste time using his magic to see what
mischief she created. He hoped to return to the Keep in time to interrupt
whatever Onja was doing.
At the gates of the Keep waited a squad of Jingten soldiers.
 What is this? Shan demanded impatiently.
Taf Ila, who was Captain of the Jingten Guard, stepped forward and answered,
 By order of the Queen, that human is banished and to depart immediately. He
pointed at Dreibrand dramatically.
 Let us through. This man has the right to collect his belongings, Shan
 The Queen commanded me to execute this order immediately. What he has in the
Keep is now forsaken, Taf Ila said.
Shan s temper ran out. It was not his habit to bicker with Keep guards.
 This man is my guest, under my protection. Stop him from entering and you
stop me. If Onja wants her order enforced, let her do it herself, he said
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The Captain considered Shan s words. The power and skill of Shan were no
secret, and no rys, except for Onja, dared hinder his activities.
Indecisively, Taf Ila glanced at Dreibrand, torn between his Queen s orders
and the knowledge that Shan could easily prevent all of them from doing their
 What is happening? demanded Dreibrand, who anxiously wanted to know what the
rys were arguing about.
 They don t want to let you in, Shan answered hastily.  Stay close, my
He had grown tired of the dispute and it was time to remind his fellow rys
that he was not to be defied. Raising a hand, Shan cast a spell with the force
of his mind. The iron bird gates of the Keep banged open and Shan s magic
shook the squad of soldiers like the rising wind of a storm through dry
Taf Ila glowered at Shan, but he stepped aside. This submission to
Shan s will impressed Dreibrand, who hurried inside.
 I have to go to Miranda, Dreibrand said urgently.
 Yes, but we have to stay together. Onja has ordered you banished, and
I fear she might order you killed next, Shan explained.
 Why am I banished? What about Miranda? Dreibrand said.
 I do not know, Shan muttered as his eyes roved the Keep. Inside he could not
find everything he wanted to find.
They jumped off their horses near the stable, and Shan yelled for the horses
that belonged to the humans to be saddled. The stablemaster hurried to comply.
Desperate with worry, Dreibrand dashed into the Keep. He did not really know
his way in the huge structure, and he hollered for Shan to tell him the way.
The rys ran to catch up to his friend, giving as many warnings as directions.
Twice guards opposed Dreibrand, but they would fall back as soon as
Shan caught up. Dreibrand found the hall where Miranda s suite was, and it
disturbed him that guards were no longer present. He reached the door, and
finding that it was locked, he pounded on it with his fist and shouted for
 Stay away from the door! Shan warned from down the hall, but
Dreibrand did not react in time.
The door was jerked open from inside by a rys soldier who leveled a spear at
Dreibrand s chest. He dodged the spear as it sailed through the door and
clanged against the opposite wall. Dreibrand drew his sword, but
Shan had reached him and grabbed his arm. The rys pulled him back and tried to
get Dreibrand to stand behind him.
More soldiers poured into the hall, and they were followed by Queen
Onja. The suite door slammed behind her.
 Engage them and you will die, Shan hissed, and finally stepped in front of
the human.
Dreibrand had no desire to hide behind Shan, and he yelled to Onja,  Where is
 She does not want to see you. Leave now or die, Onja replied in
Miranda s language.
On the other side of the wall Shan could sense the human children, but
Miranda was not there.
 Let the children go, Onja, Shan said.  They do not belong to you.
 All humans belong to me! Onja snapped.
 Then where have you put Miranda? Shan asked.
His bold questions angered the Queen.  Forget her. And forget him,
she said, turning a blazing gaze on Dreibrand.
Blue light consumed the Queen s eyes, and Dreibrand felt her power sizzle
across his skin. A flash filled the corridor, and he staggered back shielding
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his eyes. His skin tingled, and he smelled the distinct odor of singed hair. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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