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Eshinarvash when the Wise Horse came to the window to speak with him." Plik thought he understood the change in Tiniel's manner. He had thought it was due to Firekeeper slighting the young man, but although that might play a part, clearly Tiniel could not understand why Derian should not be rejoicing in his survival. Tiniel had not stopped mourning his own loss. Apparently, he did not understand why Derian would mind being physically changed when he was magically enhanced. "Derian comes from a land where magic is considered abhorrent," Plik explained. They had come to the cottage that was being used as a sickroom, but he made no effort to lower his voice. Best if Derian heard what he had to say as well. "I've wondered about that," Tiniel replied. "For a land that despises magic, they sure seem to have a good many talented people: Blind Seer, Derian, and probably Fire-keeper as well, for all she didn't get as sick as the rest." Harjeedian rose from where he had been reading at Derian's bedside, and crossed to join them. "Tiniel said you were waking," he said, "and Isende has gone to get us all something to eat." "Things continue well with the prisoners?" Plik asked. 'They do," Harjeedian said. "Zebel reported to his allies that all have passed through querinalo alive, and that Derian, at least, appears to be Once Dead. This changes the situation, at least to the doctor's way of thinking. I must admit, their way of thinking remains a mystery to me. "Interesting," Plik said. He glanced over, but it was impossible to tell whether the lump of bedclothes that was Derian was awake or asleep. "And Firekeeper?" "Am here," came a husky voice from behind him. "Us both. We went a little way, but Blind Seer is very weak." "And amazingly hungry," the blue-eyed wolf added. "Although I do not think I could stomach more than broth." "Isende is sure to bring more for both of you to eat," Plik said. "That young woman is proving very resourceful." "We both are," Tiniel said defensively. "After our parents died, we were all we had left. No one was going to fetch and carry for us. Isende had to learn to manage an entire household." Plik smiled to himself. Tiniel seemed unaware of the contradictions in his own statement. Then again, that seemed in keeping with the young man's character to this point. He had many good qualities, but an astonishing amount of self-absorption as well. A great cat, Plik thought, rather than some herd or pack animal. Survival of the self, rather than of the whole. Isende is not like her twin in that. I wonder if they are complementary opposites rather than a matched set as we have been led to believe. Firekeeper had settled Blind Seer on a folded blanket a comfortable distance from the hearth, and now she padded over to inspect Derian. She laid a gentle hand where the young man's shoulder should be, but he did not stir. Plik thought the wolf-woman might strip back the blankets and force Derian to communicate, but she did no such thing. Instead, shaking her head in sorrow, she returned to the group near the fire. She was about to seat herself by Blind Seer when she jerked up her head. Plik caught the sound even as the wolf- woman did. "Isende is back," Firekeeper reported, moving to the door. Plik heard soft conversation between the two women, and a moment later they entered, carrying several packs between them. Firekeeper's interest in this menial task became evident when she set her burden down, and removed a large bottle from one of the packs. "Zebel send broth cooked with plants so to make Blind Seer stronger," Firekeeper reported with satisfaction as she poured some into a large, shallow bowl and set it near the reclining wolf. "And there is food for the rest of us as well," Isende laughed. "Eshinarvash helped me carry it over, or I would have had real problems." They chattered rather stiltedly as they dished out portions for everyone, all too aware of Derian huddled under his blankets. 'Tiniel and I were talking," Plik said, deciding he must be the one to introduce the matter again, "about how odd it is that although the northerners claim to despise magic, they have so many talents among them." Harjeedian nodded. "I discussed the matter with Der-ian long ago. Apparently, as he understands the tales told in his land, an effort was made to slaughter any who showed the gift for sorcery, but talents, especially those with a limited focus, were overlooked." "Odd," Tiniel said. "But reasonable," Harjeedian said. "After all, those very talents could help those who had been abandoned into war and chaos when their rulers fled to survive. However, while in our land we view talents as divine gifts, in Derian's land they simply don't think of them at all." "I don't understand," Isende said. "If talents manifest," Harjeedian said, "they are accepted, but neither praised nor censured. I have met a friend of theirs from the north - a Sir Jared Surcliffe - who is blessed with the healing talent. However, the man does not base his life around that talent as might one of the Liglimom so blessed. While that Liglimom would take his talent as an omen that he should follow the disdu's path, this friend delights in his nickname of 'Doc' - a name that affirms his gift. When he realized that his talent could not answer all medical needs, he devoted himself to learning medical arts." Isende nodded now. "I see. So although Derian, say, has this rapport with horses, in his land there is no way he could become a kidisdu. He simply became a very talented horseman." "That is correct," Harjeedian said. "I believe that gradually being forced to face that he had a magical talent and how much that talent meant to him has been very difficult for Derian. Querinalo only brought to a head an issue that had been troubling him for several years now." Plik noted that not a single voice had been lowered during this discussion. He was not the only one who hoped Derian was listening, and perhaps learning that no one here blamed him for what had happened. "Transformation," Plik said, "is very difficult to accept though, especially when it comes unwilling and united. Do you remember how I told you all that 'Plik' as not my given name, but one I took for myself?" The twins shook their heads, but Harjeedian nodded. "I do. Derian asked you why your name was so unlike at borne by most of the maimalodalum. I don't think you ever told us why." "Well," Plik said, reaching for another slice of bread and smearing it thickly with butter. "Since we have little to do this evening but wait, this would be the perfect time for me to tell that tale." XXXIV "YOU'VE ALL HEARD about how the maimalodalum were created as a merging of humans and yarimaimalom
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