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morning and night. Mark helped Qhan take care of me. They tried to move me as little as possible. We spent most of our time in Master s bed, Mark holding me and reciting poetry or translating the Algonquan vids for me. Time blurred. By the end of week three, I d become one large, throbbing erection. Mark learned how to climb in and out of bed without disturbing me because although I craved the comforting contact of his body around me, jostling me usually triggered a series of explosive orgasms that left me barely conscious. The vet examined me. Our good behavior earned me the ability to stay curled on my side in the bed, Mark restraining me by holding my wrists to appease the man while I was quickly examined. Not like I could have moved if I wanted to. A brief three-way discussion took place between Mark, Qhan, and the vet before the vet left. Master had gone away overnight, apparently on business, but was expected back late that evening. Time to start stretching you, baby, Mark told me. He d started calling me that a few days earlier. I liked the way it made me feel. Loved. Protected. But right now I didn t think I could stand being moved. I groaned, trying to protest. Don t move me. Please, for the love of the universe, just let me lie here. I wasn t in pain, that was the bitch of it. I felt pleasure so pure and aching, the likes of which I d never experienced before. While I couldn t wait for it to go away, I suspected that as soon as I healed from dropping, I d be craving it again. Yeah, it was that worth it. He chuckled. I warned you it was good, didn t I? I groaned. They didn t make me move. Qhan carefully slid some towels under me and handed Mark a jar of the same goo we d used on him, along with a butt 80 Tymber Dalton plug. Moving slowly so as not to jostle me, he lay down behind me and started working the stuff in. It felt good. I d progressed well past any squeamish reactions about touching another man, or having one touch me. What he applied to my rim felt nearly as good as the incessant pleasure torturing me. Cool and soothing, almost like it had a minty herb in it. Just the slightest bit of numbing, as well, although when I d applied it to him I didn t notice any of those sensations on my skin. Maybe it was specially formulated to react only with our most sensitive tissue, I don t know. Didn t care. All I knew is that he started with one gentle finger, working slowly, and by several hours later he had his whole fist in me and put the plug in, expanding it a little to keep me loose. He washed his hands and returned to bed. Qhan brought his dinner and my drink in and examined Mark s handiwork. He nodded approvingly and patted Mark on the head before leaving us alone again. Mark held the bottle for me. I couldn t drink very much before I was full. They d given up on trying to get me to eat the day before. I drifted in and out of sleep, catching a few undisturbed minutes here and there until I awoke to the sound of Master s soft voice talking with Mark. They disappeared for a few minutes, and I assumed Mark was getting fucked from the happy sounds I heard down the hall. Lucky bastard. I closed my eyes and forced myself to lie still. I was dying to feel that again, yet just the thought of moving nearly sent me into another spasm of climaxes. They returned a while later, and Mark repeated the massage. Master watched, approving and discussing things with Mark. I tried to go to sleep. This time Mark almost had two full hands inside me by the time he stopped, and the butt plug was sized a little larger when he reinserted it. Master laid down beside me and let Mark hold me. It felt good being securely in the middle like that. Comfort from both sides. As we all settled in, they to sleep as I tried to get what little sleep I could, Master kissed me. Love Kal, he said. I managed an exhausted smile. Love Master, I said. Acquainted with the Night 81 * * * * It was five days before my estimated drop date, and I wasn t sure I d survive. I couldn t sleep, I couldn t move under my own power. I could barely talk. But damn, what a fucking fantastic way to go. Whatever exact combination of things were happening inside my body, it was like someone had mainlined an electrical connection to the pleasure center of my brain, flipped the switch, and walked away. If the damn grunt that tried to choke Mark had experienced this, he no doubt would have been a happy camper.
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