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First, just feel the emotions that you feel. What are they? How do you feel?
When do you feel them? You know this, right?
Now... put yourself into the skin of your reader. Put those emotions into your
The few intro paragraphs above establish your VPP while quickening the pulse of
your reader. From here on in, you ll deliver the benefits of your site... you ll
answer the  what's in it for me question that every visitor asks when arriving at a
As you do this, you continue to work your Specific Keywords (and, to a lesser
degree, your General Keywords) in everywhere and often... but not too often.
Where, exactly?...
1) TITLE tag
2) META keyword tag
3) META description tag
4) H1 and other header tags
5) Body copy
6) Link tags
7) File name/domain name
8) Image ALT tag and name of image
Let s look at each quickly...
1) TITLE tag = WORLD S BEST Fashion Factory Outlet Stores,
The Cream of Cyber Discount Fashions
" Must contain your Specific Keyword at least once, no more than twice, and
with some kind of variation or synonym. Try to include your most important
General Keyword, too.
" Up to 70, even 80 characters. Get your most important message in, right at
the beginning. If the engine cuts your title off at 60 characters in its listing, you ve
still fired your  big gun. Meanwhile, some engines will show up to 90 or so
" Remember, the title appears as the link in Search Engine listings. It must  get
the click -- so make sure it s attractive, without being misleading. Getting your
Title right for both your reader and engine is the single most important thing
you can do.
2) META keyword tag =
stores >
" Simple. The page is about  factory outlet stores. Don t dilute your META tag
with a million synonyms.
" You could add a few General Keywords that people might add when they
search (ex.,  discounts, shopping ).
" And consider adding a common synonym that has the a near-exact same
meaning (ex., outlet malls ).
" if you do put more than one keyword in this META tag (separated by commas),
always put your most important one, the one that this page focuses upon, first.
Here s an example of an expanded META keyword tag...
shopping, discounts, mall >
3) META description tag =
been on the road, far from home, when what do you see? A mall jammed with
fashion outlet stores! Nirvana, right? Welcome! Take this cyber-offramp to  Outlet
Heaven. >
" The META description is the other half of what searchers see in the Search
Engine s listings. So, like the Title tag, make sure it s attractive, without being
misleading. A gentle, good-natured tease, like the above, will do well.
" 150-200 characters. Some engines cut off the title listing at as little as 140
characters. So again, make sure you get your  #1 benefit statement up front.
Remember, a  benefit statement does not have to be  in your face -- read the
META tag above.
" Should contain your Specific Keyword at least once (try twice if it fits and see
how it ranks). Include one or two of your most important General Keywords.
Also, use common synonyms 2-3 times more (ex.,  outlet and  mall ).
(Synonyms will work better and better as engines become more and more
sophisticated. But your first priority is to place sufficient focus on your Specific
" Remember, do not repeat the TITLE in this tag. The reader will just see the
same phrase twice in the Search Engine s listing, once in the title and once in the
description. That s wasting valuable  word real estate.
4) H1 and other header tags = Fashion Outlet Stores Nirvana
The headlines are more important than your regular body copy. That s true
for both human readers and for the engines.
And remember this... some engines don t use the META description tag to form
the second part of their listings (i.e., after the Title) in their search results. In
those cases, they will usually use the first words on the page, which are...
" Your H1 tag (first headline), and&
" The first words in the body copy after that.
Here are the key musts for your HI tag...
" Contains your Specific Keyword at least once. Try to include an important
General Keyword, too (different from the one you used in your Title).
" No longer than 80 characters, 40 is better. Long headlines feel rather  hypey.
" Helps to  get the click -- so make sure it s attractive, without being misleading
" Does not contain your Title. Otherwise, if the engine uses your H1 tag, your
listing and H1 tag will both say the same thing... needless repetition.
A good strategy& Take your META description tag and chop it into two
pieces... part for the headline and part for the opening paragraph of your body
5) Body copy
We started the body copy at the beginning of this day (DAY 6). Let s see what
our search result listing would look like for those engines that don t use the
META description tag...
First... the Title appears as a link...
WORLD'S BEST Fashion Factory Outlet Stores,
The Cream of Cyber Discount Fashions
This is followed by the H1 tag and the beginning of the body copy...
Fashion Outlet Stores Nirvana
Ever been on the road, far from home, when what do
you see?... a mall jammed with fashion outlet stores!
Yup, that would pull me through to your page! So you see how important it is to
start your body copy strongly, as we did above. Now don t blow it!
OVERdeliver great content in your body copy.
Your intro paragraphs establish your VPP while quickening the pulse of your
reader. After that, you ll deliver the benefits of your site... you ll answer the
 what s in it for me question that every visitor asks when arriving at a site.
And you ll do it while blending in your keyword. You should not only work
 factory outlet stores into your copy, but also common synonyms and variations
like  outlet stores and  fashion outlets and  fashion malls and  discount
fashions and  discount outlets and  discount malls.
And also work in General Keywords that would likely be associated with your
keyword (ex., shopping, shops, savings, discounts, etc.). If someone searches
with part or all of your Specific Keyword and one of these General Keywords,
you ll have a good shot at being found. And you ll have a high-quality, interested
and motivated visitor!
Remember though, that synonyms and variations should not reduce your main
keyword (factory outlet stores) to near invisibility. Establish your main keyword
and then sprinkle in the synonyms and variations.
How long should a page be? As long as it needs to be, but no longer! Don t
worry about what the Search Engines think about length  that s only important to
your reader.
One technical consideration: For technical reasons, don t make your page too
long. Vector-based analysis could start to hurt due to its compressions
algorithms. Keep pages to a reasonable length and you ll be fine.
It makes no sense for an engine to score a short page any better than a long
one. If length is of any importance, it s minor. As I said before, do use your
Specific Keyword more than your high school teacher would have liked -- this
keyword density is of some importance.
And so is keyword prominence -- make it a point to use your Specific Keyword
more heavily in the opening two paragraphs (it must be in your opening
sentence), and also in the closing paragraph. And then, like a good chef,
sprinkle throughout!
In general, it's a good idea to position your Specific Keyword near the beginning
of every piece of your HTML... Title, META description, headline, body copy, etc.
Your scatter pattern should look like an hourglass... bigger (i.e., more frequent)
on the top and bottom, and less (but still present) in the middle of the page.
Change your approach somewhat from page to page...
Experiment with different numbers, frequencies and patterns of keywords until
you find what works best. Use common sense, and avoid abuse. Keep your
content focused to a single theme per page. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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