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smoking section and acquire a contact nicotine hit.
Groggy after a sleep-aid induced nap, a gray sky greeted me when the plane landed at Schiphol
Airport. Even in summer, Amsterdam had more rain than my beloved Portland. And cooler
temperatures. I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck. The variation in climates meant I had
packed for three seasons for two countries. Ghana promised to be hot, humid, rainy and dry, but never
At immigration, Anita s business card fell to the floor when I reached for my passport. The man
who picked it up and handed it to me looked half my age, which meant he was young enough to be one
of my students. This reality didn t stop him from brushing against my side and flirting with me while
we waited in line. With his guidebook opened to  cafes I knew the type of adventure he wanted.
Been there, smoked that. Before he could continue his attempt to flirt or ask to share a cab into the
city, I brusquely thanked him and moved forward to the immigration agent.
Sitting in the back of a cab slowly making its way through morning rush hour into the heart of
Amsterdam, I pulled out Anita s card with Gerhard s name on it. I admitted I was more than curious.
After the attentions of the much younger man in line, I wondered how old Anita s brother was. It
would be crazy to call him. Anita was gorgeous, and if her brother swam in the same gene pool,
chances were he was as tall, blond, and athletic. Everything I didn t typically find attractive.
Although I shut down Backpack Romeo in the airport, these days my type meant anyone with a pulse,
single, and not looking for a housekeeper. Viagra optional. I took pills to sleep and had a wee
nicotine addiction. Who was I to judge the need for a little blue pill?
My fingers flicked the card to the beat of a techno song on the radio.
Anita wasn t a friend or even a friend of a friend. What would I say? Hi, I thought your sister
tried to pick me up at a sushi bar at JFK, but turns out she wanted to set me up with you.
No, that wouldn t work.
Hi, your sister gave me your number. I ve never had sex with a Dutchman, so I m calling you.
Are you up for some Flying Dutchman action?
No. Wasn t the Flying Dutchman some haunted ship doomed to roam the oceans forever? Maybe I
could ask Gerhard.
Jet lag forced a yawn from me. After stretching my arms and rolling my neck, I tucked the card
back into my purse. No need to rush things.
First things first. Coffee and something made of ninety-percent butter. Maybe some cheese.
Followed by chocolate.
Maybe some bitterballen.
I snorted. I might have been too old for college backpackers, but my sense of humor still lingered
around fourteen-year-old-boy.
Amsterdam, I m coming for you.
You too, Gerhard.
Missionary Position
By Daisy Prescott
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Author Bio
Before writing funny contemporary romances about adults, I dreamed of being an author while
doing a lot of other things. Antiques dealer, baker, blue ribbon pie-maker, fangirl, freelance writer,
gardener, pet mom and wife are a few of the titles I ve acquired along the way.
Born and raised in San Diego, my husband and I currently live in a real life Stars Hollow in the
Boston suburbs with our dog, Hubbell, and an imaginary house goat.
Ready to Fall, my second novel, features John Day, the hot, sexy neighbor in my debut novel
Geoducks Are for Lovers. Both can be read as standalones.
My third novel, Missionary Position, a contemporary romance/romantic comedy, released on
June 10, 2014. It stars Selah Elmore, from Geoducks, and can be read as a standalone.
Sex in the Title
By Zack Love
New York City, May 2000. The Internet bubble has burst and Evan, a computer programmer, is
fired with an email from his boss. The next day, his girlfriend dumps him, also via email. Afraid to
check any more emails, Evan desperately seeks a rebound romance but the catastrophes that ensue go
from bad to hilariously worse.
Fortunately, Evan meets Sammy  someone whose legendary disasters with females eclipse
even his own. To reverse their fortunes, they recruit their friends  Trevor, Yi, and Carlos  to
form a group of five guys who take on Manhattan in pursuit of dates, sex, and adventure.
When Evan, a closet writer, falls desperately in love with a Hollywood starlet, he schemes to
meet her by writing a novel that will sweep her off her feet. Sammy knows nothing about publishing
but is confident of one thing: Evan s book should have the word  sex in the title.
With musings about life, relationships, and human psychology, this quintessential New York
story about the search for happiness follows five men on their comical paths to trouble, self-
discovery, and love.
Chapter 1
Evan s Journey from Bad to Worse
 Your employment is terminated. I m out of the office this morning for meetings but you should
pack up your belongings by 1 p.m. today. Your last pay check will arrive in the mail.
That was the first email waiting for Evan on Monday morning, May 29, 2000, at the office where
he had worked for the last two years. ChocaChump.com, the Internet-based, chocolate home delivery
company, was another dot-com whose days were numbered. About six weeks earlier, the NASDAQ
had dropped more than twenty-five percent from its peak in a single week.
The tech crash would continue, and Evan s boss, a mercurial CEO who closely managed his
twenty employees, grew increasingly bitter and difficult as his company faltered. After Evan read the
email terminating his employment, he recalled their curt discussion from the previous Friday.
 Tell me the real reason why you were gone so long yesterday.
 It s the reason I gave you: my grandma had a bad fall and needed to be taken to the hospital. She
called me for help because my parents were out of town.
 You were gone for six hours.
 Well, I had to go to Queens, where she lives. She needed a bunch of medical tests. And I wasn t
just going to leave her alone in the hospital. She s a seventy-five-year old widow, so I had to be there
to comfort her, and help her deal with insurance forms, doctors, etc.
 Evan, everyone s got problems. You don t think I have a grandma who needs me just as much?
Do you think our competitors care about our grandmas? It s war out there! And we re losing. Things
used to be much better, but our operating budget no longer covers middle-of-the-day-grandma-
 But this is the first time I ve ever done that. And I told you before I left that I had a family
emergency. I can come in this weekend to make up for the lost work time.
 Yes, please do that& I ll have to think things over.
As he promised, Evan spent much of his Saturday making up for his time away from the office.
But there was no reversing a CEO desperate to trim his payroll.
Evan decided not to tell his girlfriend, Alexandra, about the fact that he was now unemployed.
He would wait until after they returned from the Puerto Rican vacation that he had promised her a
month ago, so that she could fully enjoy the experience, rather than feel guilty about the expense. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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