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to 6.56 miles to 300
Jupiter...............11.86 8.1 0.44 86,500 118.3 1309.000 316.0
Saturn................29.46 6.0 0.32 71,000 80.4 760.0 95.0
Uranus................84.02 4.2 0.23 31,900 16.3 65.0 14.7
Neptune...............164.78 3.4 0.18 34,800 19.3 90.0 17.1
Compared Compared Compared Bodies Inclination l
Planets with with with fall in Length of Length of seasons. of axis.
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A Journey in Other Worlds l
earth water earth one day.
as 1. as 1. as 1. second.
Mercury.........1.24 7.17 0.85 13.7
hrs. min. sec.
Venus...........0.92 5.21 0.83 13.4 23 21 22 .......................... 53+
Spring, 93 terrestrialdays l
The Earth.......1.00 5.67 1.00 16.09 ............ Summer, 93 " " 23 1/2
Autumn, 90
Winter, 89
Spring, 191 Martialdays l
Mars............0.96 2.54 0.38 6.2 24 37 23 Summer, 181 " " 27 1/2
Autumn, 149 " "
Winter,147 " "
Jupiter.........0.22 1.29 2.55 40.98 9 55 28 .................. 1 1/2
Saturn......... 0.13 0.63 1.15 18.53 10 29 17 .................. 27
Uranus........ 0.18 1.41 0.91 14.6 ............ .................. 102 (?)
Neptune....... 0.20 0.94 0.88 14.2
"I do not imagine," said Cortlandt, "we should long be troubled by gravitation
without our apergetic outfits even on Jupiter, for, though our weight will be
more than doubled, we can take off one quarter of the whole by remaining near
the equator, their rapid rotation having apparently been given providentially
to all the large planets. Nature will adapt herself to this change, as to all
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
others, very readily. Although the reclamation of the vast areas of the North
American Arctic Archipelago, Alaska, Siberia, and
Antarctic Wilkes Land, from the death-grip of the ice in which they have been
held will relieve the pressure of population for another century, at the end
of that time it will surely be felt again; it is therefore a consolation to
feel that the mighty planets Jupiter and Saturn, which we are coming to look
upon as our heritage, will not crush the life out of any human beings by their
own weight that may alight upon them."
Before going to bed that evening they decided to be up early the next day, to
study Jupiter, which was already a brilliant object.
The following morning, on awakening, they went at once to their observatory,
and found that Jupiter's
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A Journey in Other Worlds
disk was plainly visible to the naked eye, and before night it seemed as large
as the full moon.
They then prepared to check the Callisto's headlong speed, which Jupiter's
attraction was beginning to increase. When about two million miles from the
great planet, which was considerably on their left, they espied Callisto ahead
and slightly on their right, as Deepwaters had calculated it would be.
Applying a mild repulsion to this -- which was itself quite a world, with its
diameter of over three thousand miles, though evidently as cold and dead as
the earth's old moon -- they retarded their forward rush, knowing that the
resulting motion towards Jupiter would be helped by the giant's pull. Wishing
to be in good condition for their landing, they divided the remainder of the
night into watches, two going to sleep at a time, the man on duty standing by
to control the course and to get photographic negatives, on which, when they
were developed, they found two crescent-shaped continents, a speckled region,
and a number of islands. By 7 A. M., according to Eastern standard time, they
were but fifty thousand miles from
Jupiter's surface, the gigantic globe filling nearly one side of the sky. In
preparation for a sally, they got their guns
and accoutrements ready, and then gave a parting glance at the car. Their
charge of electricity for developing the repulsion seemed scarcely touched,
and they had still an abundant supply of oxygen and provisions. The barometer
registered twenty-nine inches, showing that they had not lost much air in the
numerous openings of the vestibule. The pressure was about what would be found
at an altitude of a few hundred feet, part of the rarefaction being no doubt
due to the fact that they did not close the windows until at a considerable
height above Van Cortlandt Park.
They saw they should alight in a longitude on which the sun had just risen, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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