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enough of that from Liz who likes to go on and on about her sex life with my brother.
 Hey, Liz said.  I have to talk to someone about Gavin.
Tara let out a soft snicker.  You can talk to me, you know.
 And I do. But I like to annoy Jenna.
 Jenna does have a point, though. We re all curious, but since Cole is my brother, hold the sex
detail to a minimum, Alicia said, leaning forward in her chair.  How long has this been going on?
Four sets of eyes were focused intently on her.
She hadn t planned to say anything at all about her and Cole. Until Liz had to blab.
 So, come on, Savannah, spill, Tara said.  I want to know the details about Cole putting that
dreamy, I m-getting-a-lot-of-sex look on your face.
Alicia laid her head in her hands.  Oh, crap. I do not want to think about my brother having sex.
 Exactly what I always say to Liz. She ignores me and goes right on with the gory details, Jenna
complained.  At least Tara tones it down and just sticks to the mushy love stuff.
 I save the intense sex details for my conversations with Liz, Tara said.
 Yeah, like how she got knocked up. That one was good. They were alone in the house one night.
Nathan had spent the night with a friend and Mick suggested they get naked. They didn t even make it
upstairs, so 
 Oh. My. God. I don t want to know about how my future niece or nephew was conceived. Jenna
closed her eyes and shook her head.
Savannah burst out laughing as Jenna plugged her fingers in her ears and started singing.
 You all crack me up.
 And we re keeping you from giving us your own juicy details, Tara reminded her.  So spill.
 Oh. Well, nothing to tell, really. We re& seeing each other.
Liz gave her a look.  That s a broad concept.
Alicia cocked a brow.  Which means what, exactly?
 I don t know, exactly. Other than we re seeing each other. For now.
 Does that mean it s only temporary?
She shifted her gaze to Tara.  I can t answer that, because I don t know. He has his career and I
have mine.
 Well, honey, we all have careers, Liz said, giving her the kind of patient look one would give a
child who didn t understand the topic of conversation.  What does that have to do with you screwing
his brains out or falling eyeballs-deep in love?
 Love? Who said anything about love? We re just having sex.
Tara snickered.  And how is the sex?
Alicia pushed back her chair and stood.  That s my cue to get back to work.
 Right behind you, Jenna said.
 Cowards, Liz called after them.
Jenna flipped her off.
Liz laughed, then turned back to Savannah.  So, about that sex& 
 I m not telling you about my sex life with Cole.
 Why not? We all talk about ours.
She looked to Tara, who said,  It s true. We re like sisters, and when we re troubled or need
advice about our men, we go to each other.
 I m not troubled. Nor do I need advice. Not at the moment. But thank you very much for the offer.
Liz looked over at Tara.  I don t think she s going to give us the gory sex details.
Tara sighed, leaned back in her chair, and laid her hands over her stomach.  It doesn t look that
way. I m very disappointed.
Savannah gave them a blank look. But then Tara laughed, and so did Liz. Liz swatted her on the leg.
 We re kidding.
 Really, woman, you need to lighten up.
She blew out a breath.  I do, don t I?
Tara stood and stretched.  You d think all that sex you re having would ease some of the tension.
Savannah let out a snort, cupped her hand over her mouth, then broke out in a full laugh.  Oh, god.
It does. It really does.
 Obviously you need a lot more of it, then. Maybe more public sex, like the kind you had behind the
bar the other night?
Savannah s eyes widened.  What?
Tara came over and put her arm around Savannah.  We all try to sneak away during family
gatherings, honey, but this family is too filled with eagle eyes. The swollen lips, messed-up hair, and
I-just-got-screwed-within-an-inch-of-my-life look on your face was a dead giveaway.
She felt the telltale blush creep up her neck and cheeks.  I knew that cold splash of water on my
face and quick fix of my hair in the bathroom wasn t going to fool anyone.
 Oh, it probably fooled some, Liz said.  But not us. We ve been there, done that. We all knew you
had a hot quickie in the garden.
 I was jealous, since my man had an away game, Tara said.  I hope it was good.
Savannah sighed.  It was.
Tara nodded.  Thank god someone s getting great sex, then. Mick has two road games before he
gets home. And before long I ll be as big as a house.
 And he ll still be jumping your bones until you re ready to pop that baby out, Liz said.
Tara grinned.  Probably.
Savannah loved these women more and more every minute she spent with them.
But when she felt strong, warm, very masculine hands on her shoulders, she shivered and tilted her
head back, already knowing whose hands those were.
 Hey there.
 Hey, yourself. Done with the girl chat?
Her gaze met Liz s and Tara s, who both gave her a knowing smile.  I think we re done.
 Good. I want to show you something.
 Sure. See you both later.
They waved her off and she walked through the playground with Cole. A lot of the larger debris
had been cleared away by the guys and by the loader they d brought in, leaving the site nearly bare.
 Wow. Huge accomplishment today.
He slanted a smile at her.  It has been. They re coming to dig this up, then grade the area to even
the ground out. He laid out the blueprints for her, and though she d already been through them, she
loved hearing the excitement in his voice as he talked about all the equipment that would be put into
place. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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