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to be happy at the news that he d gotten the job he d
interviewed for at the Westin resort hotel. The place
was gorgeous and elegant. It was also his number
one choice on the list of jobs for which he d
interviewed without really expecting a good result.
But it was the best result he could have hoped
So why was he feeling no joy?
Because Drew wasn t answering his calls, that
was why. Nor had he responded to any of the half
dozen messages Oliver had left over the course of
the afternoon.
Oliver stared out over the marina toward Sunset
Key. All around him, the daily carnival of the sunset
celebration went on. Musicians played, jugglers
juggled, and magicians performed for the
appreciative crowd. A guy dressed up as living
statue posed for pictures with the tourists while a
dude in a clown costume and face paint rode a
unicycle and whistled Mozart concertos.
But none of it brought even the smallest smile to
Oliver. He sat alone in the sunset bar, a margarita
untouched on the table in front of him.
He wished Drew was here to share his good
news. But it seemed he d fucked things up royally
and now wouldn t even be given the chance to
He picked up his drink and took a sip, hardly
tasting the tangy sweetness of the alcohol.
At the next table a man stood, a copy of the
local paper in his hand. From the corner of his eye,
Oliver glimpsed the photograph on the front. It was
only a glimpse, and he couldn t be sure, so he stood
and stepped over the guy who was digging in his
wallet for money to pay his tab.
 Excuse me, could I see your paper for a
The guy glanced up.  You can have it.
 Thanks. Oliver took the paper, and sure
enough, Faith s beautiful face smiled at him from the
front page.
And suddenly, Oliver knew what he had to do. It
might not work, but he needed to try all the same.
* * *
Drew pushed aside the curtain and entered the
backstage dressing area. The beads swung and
clicked behind him, the sound blending with the DJ s
dance-mix, the music that accompanied the drag
queens exit from the stage.
The place was a wreck, the way it always was
after a show with dresses and shoes, wigs hats,
scarves and jewelry everywhere as if some
fashionista s closet had exploded and scattered
debris in all directions. He would have company any
minute when the other performers finished collecting
their tips, but for the moment he was alone.
Slinky material whispered and sighed as Drew
Slinky material whispered and sighed as Drew
shoved a pile of brightly colored dresses to the floor
and sank into the chair they had occupied. He
groaned as he slid his feet out of the scarlet, peep-
toe heels, which, while they might make his legs look
amazing, hurt like a mother. He pulled his aching left
foot up onto his right thigh and began massaging the
instep. He did the same with the other one then,
letting his still-aching foot slide to the floor, rose and
went to the dressing table to begin removing his
As Drew sat down on the vanity stool and
reached for a Kleenex, the beaded curtain parted,
and in the mirror, he saw Oliver standing in the
What the hell was he doing here? And where
were the bouncers who were supposed to keep the
audience members out of the performers area?
Drew saw his own surprise, or rather Faith s,
reflected in the glass. Her heavily made-up eyes
widened, and her scarlet lips formed a silent O. The
Kleenex fluttered to the table, and they stared at
each other for what might have been a minute or an
 Excuse me, Oliver said.  But can I come in?
He knows, was all Drew could think. He freaking
knows, and now he s here to bust me.
Wait. He cut the thought off. Just chill a minute.
How could he know? And even if he did, it couldn t
be a problem unless he, Drew, let it be.
Drew took a breath and tried to calm his racing
pulse. Easy now. Let him make the first move.
Faith smiled at Oliver in the mirror.  Why sure,
sugar. Come on in.
Oliver returned her smile and stepped into the
cluttered space.  I m sorry to bother you. You
probably don t even remember me, but& 
Don t remember him? Drew had a sudden flash
of memory, this beautiful boy sweaty and naked
under him, Oliver s long, thick cock buried to the hilt
in Drew s ass, fucking him hard and deep, sending
him over the edge and into oblivion. Yeah, like he d
soon forget that.
Drew fought to control his expression and not let
any of what he felt show on Faith s face.
Was it possible Oliver really didn t know the boy
he d slept with last night and the drag queen sitting in
front of him were one and the same person?
Apparently it was.
 A few nights ago, you gave me this. Oliver
produced the leather rosebud and offered it.  Or
actually, I gave it to you first; then you gave it back to
me. Do you remember?
 So it was you who left that for me.
 Yeah. Oliver held out the flower.  I d really like
you to have it back.
Drew felt like an observer as he watched Faith
accept the flower from Oliver. Their fingers brushed,
and the brief touch tingled all the way up Drew s arm
and sizzled throughout his body. Inside his thong his
dick stirred.
God, he couldn t do this.
But Faith could. Faith could do anything. He let
her step up and take over.
 Aren t you sweet? Lifting the rosebud to her
face, she stroked it along her cheek, her gaze
steady on Oliver.  Is that what you came here for? To
give me back this flower?
 No, not exactly. I wanted to talk to you about& 
He hesitated.
The seconds ticked by, and Oliver seemed
stuck, unable to say what he wanted or even to
speak at all.
 About what? Faith tucked the rose into her
fake cleavage.
Oliver followed the movement of her hand. He
licked his lips.  It s about your roommate.
 You mean Drew? What about him?
 Well, see, we went out a couple times, and
Did he mention me by any chance?
Okay, so, to lie or not to lie that would be the
But before the question had to be answered, the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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