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the Altavar translating devices will recognize those syllables and transliterate them into Altavar and vice versa. There being no neutral parties present, I will assume the chairmanship for the time being, if there is no objection." Nobody spoke or moved. "Very well, then," Morah continued, "we will proceed. Mr. Carroll, will you please state your position?" He smiled and nodded. "There is no use going into all the circumstances that brought us to this point. If we didn't all know them, and if it wasn't now a matter of record at all governments concerned, we wouldn't be here. It is the Confederacy's position that there is nothing here to fight about, put as simply and bluntly as possible. As far as we can determine, the interest of Page 153 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html the Altavar is entirely in the Warden system, as are the interests of the Four Lords of the Diamond. The Confederacy is a very large group not in conflict with the Altavar or any other territory, and, therefore, believes that this matter may be settled simply. We are prepared to cede and concede to the Altavar sovereignty of the Warden solar system for a distance of twenty light-years from its sun, and we are further prepared to guarantee that no people or vessels not now belonging to those in residence in the system will encroach upon this zone, nor will Altavar access or egress from the system be in any way impeded even if it cuts through regions under Confederacy sovereignty. The four worlds known as the Warden Diamond, and their possses-sions and colonies, will be given free, unconditional, unilateral independence and may work out whatever arrangement they like with the Altavar. If the Altavar are sincere in stating that they have no interest in Confederacy space beyond the Warden system, this should be sufficient. Any violations, of course, would constitute an immediate act of war, but the vastness of the surrounding zone would provide ample warning." He looked around to see how this was being taken he had hashed it out on the security band well into the night with the Council and Krega but saw no emotion whatever on the intent listeners. Well, not quite all Ypsir was cleaning his nails with a small pen knife. file:///F|/rah/Jack%20L.%20Chalker/Chalker,%...ds%20of%20the%20Diamond%204%20- %20Medusa.htm (190 of 218) [1/17/03 4:34:20 AM] Medusa "In exchange for this," he continued, "the Confederacy expects an immediate and total cessation of hostilities now underway against it by the Four Lords of the Diamond with the acquiescence of the Altavar, withdrawal of all such agents to the Warden Diamond, and a formal agreement that any future territorial or interest conflicts between the Confederation and the Altavar be settled by arbitration with both sides renouncing the use of force against the other. We feel this is more than fair." Morah waited a moment to see if he was finished, then saw his nod that he was. "Very well, then," the Charonese said, "do you have anything to add, Doctor?" Dumonia shook his head negatively. "All right. I sense some objections among the Four Lords, but I will defer them at this time, and ask the Council to confirm this offer." "We do," Luge's voice came to them after a momentary delay caused not by interstellar communications but by the lag from the subspace relay they were using on the picket ship. "In fact, the offer was approved twenty-one to four by the full Council and thus is binding upon us if accepted/' Morah nodded and turned to the impassive Altavar. "Manager Soog, are you prepared at this time to answer the offer?" "We are," the eerie synthesized voice responded. "We would very much like to accept the offer, which answers our basic needs and our objections to the current arrangement. However, we feel we cannot do so. The history of the human race argues against you, Confederacy. It is a most consistent record, no matter the technological or social levels. From the very beginnings of your history you have shown yourselves to be totally intolerant of those who are different. The record is a clear record of repression. Treaties are signed and sworn to and systematically violated at the first opportunity. You persecuted your own for a mild difference in skin color or bone structure, or because some worshiped a different god, or even the same god by different names. Treaties between nations held only so long as both nations " felt so strong that they could destroy the other. Not once do we see Page 154 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html social or political agreements made and held by mutual respect, only by mutual fear and then with all the efforts of both sides devoted to destroying even that balance. "You took these attitudes with you into space," the creature went on, "and continued them for a while, until the years and the practicalities of distance and the advance of technology merged you racially and culturally. Still, the fact of this merger only caused redirection of this trait. Fully a dozen nonhuman races were discovered in your outward expansion. None equaled your
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