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Fun With Dick and Jayne
Garrett slid the remote across the tabletop toward Finn who palmed it and hid it
under the table.
Jayne squirmed beside Garrett. The vibrations quivering inside her went from a
steady hum to a rhythmic throb, and Jayne gasped, too embarrassed to keep her gaze
on Finn while he stared at her face. She turned to Garrett.
He angled his body toward her, shielding her from the rest of the room. The hand
on her hip slipped between her legs, cupping her.
Not caring what anyone might see at this point, she opened her thighs without
hesitation and leaned back against the leather squabs. With both Finn s and Garrett s
attentions focused on her and the little silver bullet bucking inside her, she never stood
a chance.
Just as she shot over the precipice, Finn spiked the vibe to full throttle, sending her
screaming over the edge with Garrett s mouth slamming down to muffle her cry.
* * * * *
Garrett parked next to the curb and hurried around to the passenger door.
The glossy languor of Jayne s gaze as she glanced up made him smile.
Only it was more of a grimace than a smile. The past hour had been pure torture
watching Jayne s expression as she climaxed twice, wanting to reach across the table
and knock the smirk off Finn s face as he made her come. But he d held it together.
What had possessed him to start that game, anyway? Had watching Richard and
Jayne made it seem more acceptable to expose his inner fantasies? Or was he trying to
compete against Richard for the most intense public sexual act?
He clasped her hand and pulled her from her seat, steadying her when she swayed.
 Easy there. Almost home.
 I liked your friend, she said, her words a little slurred.
Delilah Devlin
 He liked you, he clipped. Finn had hurried from the restaurant, no doubt bent on
finding Bunny to assuage the arousal no man could suppress after watching how
beautifully and lustfully Jayne had come undone.
 You shared the vibrator with him, Jayne said, her lips pouting.
 Only seemed fair, he muttered.  You and Richard share everything.
 Finn s not going to fuck me.
 No, he s not. But neither is Richard tonight.
 Are you getting territorial?
Garrett slid his arm around her, guiding her up the sidewalk to her door. He set her
back against the wall and held her waist while he unlocked her front door. Jayne had
never looked sexier. Not even with Richard banging her from behind.
Her short hair was mussed, her lips blurred. Her blue eyes unfocused.
And liquid smeared her thighs.
He couldn t wait to taste her arousal. Had been hard for an hour as he played with
her. He knew he wasn t going to last long, but didn t think she d mind if he went a little
wild, because he d been hitting the remote all the way home, enjoying her moans,
which layered one atop the other as she scissored her thighs together.
 You re cruel. A sadist, she whispered.
 And I m a horny bastard. Get in the door. Walk down to your bedroom and lift
your skirt to your waist.
Jayne didn t argue, just walked ahead of him and pulled up her dress so it rode the
crest of her hips, kicking off her heels as she went. When she reached her bedroom, she
crawled atop the mattress and braced herself on her arms, her sweetly curved bottom
pointed his direction.
Garrett had his pants open, his cock in his hand and crawled onto the bed to
snuggle up against that soft, creamy ass. He thrust two fingers inside her pussy,
snagged the egg and tossed it between the pillows at the top of the bed.
Fun With Dick and Jayne
 Thank God, she groaned.
 Don t get too comfortable, he said, palming her bottom. He leaned down,
inhaling her musky fragrance and licked at the moisture clinging to her outer lips.
Her breaths grew jagged, edging toward whimpers, and Garrett lashed her with his
tongue, prodding between her lips and swirling into her cunt. He thumbed her clit, felt
her jerk and her legs wobble.  Easy, he breathed, and kissed her there again.
But he was too far gone, too hard to ignore the pressure building in his balls. He
slipped a condom from his pocket and rolled it down his cock, fisting himself once to
test the fit, and then placed himself at her entrance.  I ve been waiting all night for this.
Since you flashed your pussy at the door.
A choked laugh was followed by a quick groan as he slid inside her.  You re made [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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