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Lucky for you then I came over when I did. Yeah, thanks. By the way, your arm around my waist was a nice touch, but I m not sure it was a wise idea. It was a fine idea. You have to remember she s still out to get me for her daughter. It not only helped you, but helped my cause as well. I feel so used, she mocked in a hurt tone and put the back of her hand to her forehead. You may feel used, he said slow and deep, stepping in closer to her so he was an inch away, but you have to admit you enjoyed it, you little 227 CR Moss minx. You have me there, she said, then added jokingly, You big brute of a man. You know what else you d enjoy? Her knees trembled when the warmth of his breath caressed her ear. Her mind reeled back to the episode in her living room. Oh boy, do I know what I d enjoy. A few turns around the dance floor with this big brute. He grasped her hand and directed her through the milling guests to the temporary hardwood square in the center of the room. Half an hour later, exhausted, she made her way back to the table with Geoff in tow. Where the hell did you learn to dance like that? She dropped into a chair, took off her shoe and rubbed her foot. I come from a very large and somewhat extended family where the older generation of women wanted their men to know how to dance. On top of their teachings, Sue Ellen and I took some lessons before we got married. Those lessons paid off. My aunts would be proud. I m going back over to the buffet. Would you like anything? No. She waved him off. I m going to check out the auction sheets once I feel the blood return to my lower extremities. You better hurry your circulation along. 228 Concealed Affairs There s only fifteen minutes left for making bids and then the ceremony will start. Thanks for the warning. She waited till Geoff had disappeared into the crowd before she stood to test her sore feet. Steady as she goes, she said to no one in particular and snatched another drink off the tray of a passing waiter. Tori was two-thirds of the way to the auction tables when her path was blocked. My, my, my. Who do we have here? a low, throaty voice probed. The hairs on her neck rose and tickled her skin. And tonight was supposed to be enjoyable. She gulped down her drink. Linda, what a surprise. You never mentioned you would be here. Neither did you. Linda s thick, bony fingers clutched her companion s arm tightly. Then again, it is hard to chat with co-workers when they re not at work, isn t it, Victoria? Yes, it is, she replied, noticing the man s stare wasn t trained on Linda, but on her own chest. She looked down at her cleavage, then threw him a disapproving glare. He took the hint well. He yawned and focused his attention elsewhere in the room. Linda jerked on his arm. Sorry, my dear. Thought I saw someone I knew. 229 CR Moss Who? Who what? he asked, puzzled. Never mind, Linda said, as if trying to rid her mouth of a bad taste. So, Victoria, I hear congratulations are in order? Congratulations for what? she asked, though she knew very well what the what was. Why, for your engagement, of course. You know, yours and David s. Though I do think it s wrong of a lady to consent to one man and then be seen out with another. So the wild fire isn t contained yet. Well, Linda, I think it s a faux pas to congratulate someone when you don t have your facts straight. I haven t given him an answer yet, so it should seem obvious to everyone that I am not engaged. Okay, okay. She held up her hands, palms out with a wide grin plastered on her face. No need to get your panties in a twist. My panties are not in a twist, she seethed, her hatred for the woman growing. She clutched the stem of the empty glass in her fingers. Linda s companion chose that moment to step in between them. He carefully pried Tori s fingers away from the delicate glass in her hand and took it from her. Henry, Linda s voice was stern, please do not interrupt us. Lin, he said, turning to face her. You don t 230 Concealed Affairs want to cause a scene, do you? People are beginning to stare. She cast a look around, then shook her head. She lowered her head like a child being reprimanded for a bad deed. Now be a good girl and go get us some drinks. He handed over the glass in his hand. She moved to leave, but Henry paused her and whispered to her. Her ear to ear grin returned. He gave a playful swat to her tush and she giggled. And be quick about it, he called out as she walked away. The tall, gangly man turned to Tori. His face, narrow and angular, looked like it could cut glass and his skin appeared ghost-like against his jet black hair. His equally dark eyes focused on hers. I m Henry Whitmore, by the way. He held out his hand. So I gathered, Tori replied, offering hers in return. He accepted her hand and began to rub the backs of her fingers. I must say, you are a very attractive woman. She cocked an eyebrow. Not good at receiving compliments, are we? That s a shame. I for one don t understand why the gentleman you re with doesn t take you upstairs to one of the suites and have his way with you. 231 CR Moss Her mouth dropped open and he leaned in toward her. I know I would, he said only so she could hear and the corners of his mouth twitched upward. Henry, Linda called out from several feet away. She made quick time back with two drinks in her hands. If I were you, Mr. Whitmore, Tori said quietly but succinctly, bothered by his forwardness, I would mind my mouth and manners the rest of the evening. By the way, your date is back. He straightened to face Linda and smiled pleasantly in response to her frown. Hello, love. He took his drink from her. Don t love me, Linda said to him while glaring at Victoria, then added pointedly, Isn t two enough for you? I wouldn t know, Tori s voice rolled cold and steady. She didn t like Linda s implications. This is my cue to leave, Henry said, his focus bouncing from one woman to the other as they continued to stare each other down. Unlike most
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