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He shot, his cock so thick in my hand that I could barely hold on to it. Ounce after steaming hot ounce of white hot spunk shot up and out, landing in dull splats on his thigh and the floor, his body rigid as he came, his groans ricocheting all around the room. They were quickly joined with my own as my prick erupted, chest rapidly expanding and contracting, dripping sweat down on to him as my heavy load covered his pecs, his chin, his beautifully etched belly. I gently popped the ring out of his ass, his fingers unentrenched from my hole, and then I collapsed on top of him, his softening cock pillowing my cheek. "Even your come smells sweet," I practically purred. He laughed, his body quaking beneath me. "And your asshole tastes awesome." I, too, laughed and rolled off of him, doing a one- eighty so that we could be face to handsome face. "Gives a whole new meaning to fudge packing." Our lips met again, tongues colliding in midair, my body pinning him, his arms holding on tight. Minutes later, we were sponging each other off in the backroom, all that candy and come and fudge dripping down onto a thick towel below. Naked and newly cleaned, he pulled a tray of fudge off a nearby rack and cut it up for my nephew, bagging up an extra pound for yours truly. Then we got dressed and he walked me to Pour Some Sugar On It - 120 the front door. This part was going way too fast for my liking. With my goody-bags in hand, I turned to look at him, those blue eyes of his reaching down into my very soul, the butterflies set loose yet again. I leaned in and kissed him, soft and tender. Perfect. He winked and tousled my hair. "Almost forgot," he said, with a snap of his fingers. Then he reached inside the pocket of his baggy checkered pants and dropped something hard and round into my outstretched hand. I stared down in stunned surprise. It was a marble, red and blue stripes swirling all around the translucent core. "You carry marbles around in your pocket?" I asked. "Doesn't everybody?" he replied, the wink and the smile fast returning. "Don't you need more than just one, though? To play with, I mean?" He nodded, scratched his chin, squinted his eyes, and pondered for a few seconds. "Guess you better come back then and earn that second one." I leaned in and kissed him again. And again. Then I looked around his shop, at all those barrels of candy, at all the possibilities for deviant fun, and replied, "See you this weekend, Glenn. I plan on winning all those marbles of yours." He laughed and led me outside, the hot sun radiating off of us. "Might take a few weekends to win them all, Chad," he said. "Or longer." I beat his wink and smile to the punch. "Only if I'm lucky, candyman," I told him, tickling him beneath his chin. "Only if I'm lucky." Pour Some Sugar On It - 121 Banana Ice Cream By Emily Moreton "Get in the car," Mal says, holding the passenger door and looking at Owen over the rim of his sunglasses. "And, so help me, if you say one more word about paperwork for the school, I'll disembowel you with a rusty child's spade." "I think they're all made of plastic now," Owen points out, hovering on the porch with his keys in his hand. "Unless you meant the child would be rusty." "Car. In. Now." "I just want to know where we're going at nineteen hundred on a Wednesday." "Are the details important?" Mal asks, sounding honestly curious. "If I was inviting you to get into the car with me to go to a destination unspecified at, say, one in the afternoon on a Sunday, would you do it without asking why?" "Probably not," Owen admits. "Fine," Mal says, ultra-patient. "We're going for ice cream, because there's none in the house, and I want some. Chocolate. Strawberry. Maybe banana, if we can find someone selling it." "You're lying." Mal smiles, all teeth. "You'll never know unless you get in the car." Owen knows that this is true, and also that Mal will just keep going until he gives in. Which he will, because he always does, and also because he's pretty sure he saw Mal load a duffel bag in the trunk when Mal thought he Pour Some Sugar On It - 122 wasn't watching. Since he's pretty clearly not leaving, Owen really wants to know what that's about. "Fine," he says, giving in gracelessly. "But only if I get to pick the music." Mal grumbles something as he slams Owen s door shut, but just says, "Knock yourself out," when he gets in the driver s side and starts the engine. Owen skips at high speed through every radio station the car picks up, just to annoy Mal who's driving with an awful lot of focus as they head south along the beach. He finally settles on a soft rock station, and turns it down until it's barely audible over the draft from the
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